7280 cryptocurrencies
Total Market Cap $5,199.63B
24h Total Volume $3,601.74B

Arbit Coin Arbit Coin star

0.06 (5.82%)

Arbit Coin was supposedly designed for Augmented reality. The coin is Proof of Work and Proof of Stake.

Visit website open_in_new
Market share 0.19%
Proof type PoW/PoS
24h Open $0.95
24h Low $0.90
24h High $1.03
Price in BTC 0.00001052579117 BTC
Current Supply 9,999,998,976 ARB
Market cap $10,091,546,624
24h Volume (coin) 290,188,224 ARB
24h Volume (currency) $292,844,832
24h Total volume (coin) 657,303,040 ARB
24h Total volume (currency) $663.32M
Last updated 2024-12-02 20:40:48 +00:00 GMT
ID Market Type Price Quantity Total
Date Price Volume

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