7280 cryptocurrencies
Total Market Cap $5,201.99B
24h Total Volume $5,171.46B

DeepBrain Chain DeepBrain Chain star

-0.0010 (-44.29%)

The DeepBrain Chain is an NEO-based artificial intelligence platform that will leverage the blockchain technology to implement a decentralized, low-cost, and AI computing platform. By using the blockchain technology the platform's AI will be powered by the computational power of the network mining nodes. Furthermore, the mining nodes will be incentivized using the Smart Contracts feature.

The DeepBrain Chain token (DBC) will be used to reward the network miners.

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Market share 0.00%
Proof type
24h Open $0.0023
24h Low $0.0009
24h High $0.0031
Price in BTC 0.00000001588863 BTC
Current Supply 6,095,301,632 DBC
Total Supply 2,147,483,648 DBC
Market cap $7,928,990
24h Volume (coin) 411,505,056 DBC
24h Volume (currency) $535,301
24h Total volume (coin) 364,945,600 DBC
24h Total volume (currency) $474.73K
Last updated 2025-03-18 19:00:51 +00:00 GMT
ID Market Type Price Quantity Total
Date Price Volume

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