7280 cryptocurrencies
Total Market Cap $4,979.53B
24h Total Volume $210.06B

Fetch.AI Fetch.AI star

-0.01 (-1.29%)

Fetch.AI is a decentralized digital world in which useful economic activity can take place. This activity is performed by digital entities called Autonomous Economic Agents (AEAs). AEAs can work alone, together, serially or in parallel, and they can represent humans, services, themselves, data and more. AEAs connect to the world through our Open Economic Framework (OEF) which acts as an agent’s senses. The OEF presents a highly tailored world to each individual agent, one that is adapted specifically for it. Underpinning this is the Fetch Smart Ledger which provides the network’s integrity and delivers consensus through useful proof of work. Fetch are developing the OEF and Smart Ledger to enable everyone to develop agents.

Market share 0.04%
Proof type
24h Open $0.81
24h Low $0.76
24h High $0.82
Price in BTC 0.00000807926965 BTC
Current Supply 2,714,493,952 FET
Total Supply 1,152,997,632 FET
Market cap $2,163,065,600
24h Volume (coin) 12,687,630 FET
24h Volume (currency) $10,002,746
24h Total volume (coin) 177,621,504 FET
24h Total volume (currency) $141.43M
Last updated 2025-02-05 14:02:11 +00:00 GMT
ID Market Type Price Quantity Total
Date Price Volume

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