7280 cryptocurrencies
Total Market Cap $4,944.05B
24h Total Volume $2,034.01B

Lightning Bitcoin Lightning Bitcoin star

-0.0004 (-0.32%)

Lightning Bitcoin (LBTC) is a fully decentralized Internet-of-value protocol for global payments. The specific applications include peer-to-peer transactions and exchange platforms.

Lightning Bitcoin’s on-chain governance system enables LBTC holders to vote for the blockchain improvement proposals and the delegates who maintain the network as Lightning Nodes. It aims to solve the problems of the centralization of bitcoin by incorporating all participants in the Lightning Bitcoin ecosystem into the decision-making process.

Market share 0.00%
Proof type
24h Open $0.13
24h Low $0.13
24h High $0.13
Price in BTC 0.00000132926413 BTC
Current Supply 5,889,411 LTBTC
Total Supply 7,465,926 LTBTC
Market cap $767,438
24h Volume (coin) 399,576 LTBTC
24h Volume (currency) $52,068
24h Total volume (coin) 489,126 LTBTC
24h Total volume (currency) $63.74K
Last updated 2025-02-05 03:02:54 +00:00 GMT
ID Market Type Price Quantity Total
Date Price Volume

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