7280 cryptocurrencies
Total Market Cap $5,158.66B
24h Total Volume $5,866.96B

MyToken MyToken star

0.0001 (103.04%)

Founded in August 2017, MyToken is an Ethereum-based dApp providing aggregate crypto market information across exchanges. MyToken's team intends to build a healthy cryptocurrency investing platform and provide investors with the objective data, information, and tools which will help them gain an in-depth understanding of the blockchain industry and projects. MT is an ERC20 token that serves as a currency on the MyToken application.

Market share 0.00%
Proof type
24h Open $0.0001
24h Low $0.0001
24h High $0.0003
Price in BTC 0.00000000330927 BTC
Current Supply 3,795,713,024 MT
Total Supply 4,000,000,000 MT
Market cap $1,025,030
24h Volume (coin) 17,420 MT
24h Volume (currency) $5
24h Total volume (coin) 17,420 MT
24h Total volume (currency) $4.70
Last updated 2025-03-18 16:01:17 +00:00 GMT
ID Market Type Price Quantity Total
Date Price Volume

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