7280 cryptocurrencies
Total Market Cap $4,218.69B
24h Total Volume $457.39B

Latium Latium star

-0.0013 (-0.83%)

Latium is a decentralized microtasking platform for projects and community initiatives, improving efficiency and transparency for freelance workers and project participants. The ecosystem is comprised of task doers and makers, those who complete tasks and those who pay for them to be completed (respecitvely).  Additional features include a reputation system, profile management, referral programs and LAT transfer system. LAT is an ERC20 token that acts as the main form of payment on the platform

Visit website open_in_new
Market share 0.04%
Proof type
24h Open $0.16
24h Low $0.16
24h High $0.17
Price in BTC 0.00000191683243 BTC
Current Supply 10,250,000,384 LATIUM
Total Supply 30,000,000 LATIUM
Market cap $1,613,188,608
24h Volume (coin) 68,576,344 LATIUM
24h Volume (currency) $10,792,838
24h Total volume (coin) 0 LATIUM
24h Total volume (currency) $0.00000000
Last updated 2021-11-10 07:27:03 +00:00 GMT
ID Market Type Price Quantity Total
Date Price Volume

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